Trudy Myrrh's 2013 Art Circle
Saturday, June 8, 1–3pm
at Trudy's comfortable home and studio,
on Moreno Ave. (near Oregon and Greer)
Palo Alto
[email protected]
Each person may bring 1-3 works and speak about them. Then, in round-robing fashion, we will give our comments.
A iMac computer is available to view graphics files, video clips and work here to edit.
at Trudy's comfortable home and studio,
on Moreno Ave. (near Oregon and Greer)
Palo Alto
[email protected]
Each person may bring 1-3 works and speak about them. Then, in round-robing fashion, we will give our comments.
A iMac computer is available to view graphics files, video clips and work here to edit.