Two gallery exhibitions call for art in 2015:
- SWAN Day (Support Women Artists Now) during March and April and our annual members show
- Sexism: A Touchy Subject, with juried guest entries during July
Board of Directors
The Board’s role is to provide overall direction for activities of the organization. Their actions are governed by both WCA's and SBAWCA's by-laws. The Board assures that the organization' s activities conform to local, state and federal regulations for 501(3)(c) non-profit organizations. Members of the Board are elected by the general membership on a yearly basis.
President, open position (set up two board meetings a year, welcome new members, try to go to national conference)
These board positions can help to build your art career.
Past Board News:
January 2016
January 2015
January 2014
Our January 26, 2013 Open Board meeting
on the Train to San Francisco was a great success!
The board decided to SAVE OUR MONEY with these three
•Use FREE web services, like Facebook and this
Weebly site (save
•Leave Wells Fargo and go to a friendlier
bank (saves $20/mo) <note 2016: sadly, we never left Wells Fargo)
•Drop the PO box and let the standing
Treasurer receive mail (saves
Email: [email protected]
Members are encouraged to attend Board meetings and participate in SBAWCA's activities. Our members’ participation is what has made us successful throughout the years.
To volunteer to be a members of the Board of Directors or participate on task forces contact: Susan Kraft, Interim-president
The Board’s role is to provide overall direction for activities of the organization. Their actions are governed by both WCA's and SBAWCA's by-laws. The Board assures that the organization' s activities conform to local, state and federal regulations for 501(3)(c) non-profit organizations. Members of the Board are elected by the general membership on a yearly basis.
President, open position (set up two board meetings a year, welcome new members, try to go to national conference)
- President, Susan Kraft
- Vice President, Della Calfee
- Treasurer, Jane E. Peterman
- Hospitality, Jill Andre
- Secretary,, Susan Kraft
- E-bulletin Editor, Annette Wagner
- SWAN Day Liason, Anne Giancola
- Membership, Anne Giancola
- Web Services, Susan Kraft
- Exhibits Chairperson, to use Entrythingy
- Juror, [email protected] (born 1989, when our chapter formed)
These board positions can help to build your art career.
Past Board News:
January 2016
January 2015
January 2014
Our January 26, 2013 Open Board meeting
on the Train to San Francisco was a great success!
The board decided to SAVE OUR MONEY with these three
•Use FREE web services, like Facebook and this
Weebly site (save
•Leave Wells Fargo and go to a friendlier
bank (saves $20/mo) <note 2016: sadly, we never left Wells Fargo)
•Drop the PO box and let the standing
Treasurer receive mail (saves
Email: [email protected]
Members are encouraged to attend Board meetings and participate in SBAWCA's activities. Our members’ participation is what has made us successful throughout the years.
To volunteer to be a members of the Board of Directors or participate on task forces contact: Susan Kraft, Interim-president
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