This is a personal account of the Women's Caucus for Art 2014 National Conference in Chicago, IL by Susan Kraft, SBAWCA President.
Personal accounts of the Women's Caucus for Art:
Personal accounts of the Women's Caucus for Art:
- 2014 Women's Caucus for Art National Conference in Chicago, IL.
On Wed afternoon, 12-Feb, Jill Andre' (our Hospitality Board Chair) & I arrived at the WCA hotel, Essex. Most others arrived Wed night or Thurs morning. Anne Giancola (our chapter representative for this conference) arrived Thursday.
Note: I suffered from a cold during the conference & rested most mid-days.
The CAA conference was across the street from the WCA Essex hotel at the Hilton. Our events were at both Essex and the Hilton.
The Chicago Art Institute & the landmark Bean sculpture were just blocks down the street. All attendees made regular treks to the Art Institute. Wow.
On Thursday and Friday, Jill went on several of the official WCA bus tours (shows, art studios, museums, dinners).
I was too tired to go on bus tours plus I planned & did meet with my artist nephew who lives in Chicago - we visited the book fair and went to a few museums & galleries on our own.
Even so, WCA networking was fabulous, another main reason to be there. The lobby, hotel bar/cafe, hallways of the conference & the book fair. The book fair is best for networking if you sit at the WCA booth.
The book signings were at the booth. Those are very special. Awardees are right there to talk to & sign their books for you.
On Saturday night, the awards ceremony was at the Museum of Contemporary Art. It was very inspirational. Significant feminist artists were honored & awarded. Karen Gutfruend received a special award for organizing wonderful exhibitions. Her modest acceptance speech is on Facebook.
The following gala reception was directly upstairs where we could sip wine, enjoy superb appetizers, and view amazing, large, significant art installations in four large gallery rooms.
After the gala, I invited people to a blues club around the corner from the hotel. (I found it one night getting cold meds from a CVS nearby- luckily I got that cold!!) We had a blast & evidently underscored our "fun" personae.
The national chapter circle was Sunday morning. Anne Giancola did a fabulous job representing us.
National board meeting is today, Monday. It's an open meeting so many general members show up. Often times there are more than 50 people in the room.
You can read all the activities offered throughout the week here: http://www.nationalwca.org/conference/currentconfer.php
- by Susan Kraft, South Bay Area Women's Caucus for Art interim-President
Note: I suffered from a cold during the conference & rested most mid-days.
The CAA conference was across the street from the WCA Essex hotel at the Hilton. Our events were at both Essex and the Hilton.
The Chicago Art Institute & the landmark Bean sculpture were just blocks down the street. All attendees made regular treks to the Art Institute. Wow.
On Thursday and Friday, Jill went on several of the official WCA bus tours (shows, art studios, museums, dinners).
I was too tired to go on bus tours plus I planned & did meet with my artist nephew who lives in Chicago - we visited the book fair and went to a few museums & galleries on our own.
Even so, WCA networking was fabulous, another main reason to be there. The lobby, hotel bar/cafe, hallways of the conference & the book fair. The book fair is best for networking if you sit at the WCA booth.
The book signings were at the booth. Those are very special. Awardees are right there to talk to & sign their books for you.
On Saturday night, the awards ceremony was at the Museum of Contemporary Art. It was very inspirational. Significant feminist artists were honored & awarded. Karen Gutfruend received a special award for organizing wonderful exhibitions. Her modest acceptance speech is on Facebook.
The following gala reception was directly upstairs where we could sip wine, enjoy superb appetizers, and view amazing, large, significant art installations in four large gallery rooms.
After the gala, I invited people to a blues club around the corner from the hotel. (I found it one night getting cold meds from a CVS nearby- luckily I got that cold!!) We had a blast & evidently underscored our "fun" personae.
The national chapter circle was Sunday morning. Anne Giancola did a fabulous job representing us.
National board meeting is today, Monday. It's an open meeting so many general members show up. Often times there are more than 50 people in the room.
You can read all the activities offered throughout the week here: http://www.nationalwca.org/conference/currentconfer.php
- by Susan Kraft, South Bay Area Women's Caucus for Art interim-President